Silent Auction

Early viewing starts Saturday, August 6 at 11 AM.

Bidding will open at 5 PM.
and will close at 930 PM.

Create your account ahead of time

How does it work?

Step 1.

First thing's first - Register for the Auction!

It's easy and it's free.
Go to this link here

Select Create an Account under the Sign In button. Invite Code: 27XYQF Download the Android App | Download the Iphone App

Step 2.

View the Auction

We have some great gift basket bundles, gift certificates, and unique experiences available on BidBeacon

You can also:

  • Build a watch list of favorite items & set maximum bids
  • Opt in to real-time push notifications that tell them when they're outbid

Step 3.

Place your bids!

Winners can pick up their items at OkraFest at the end of the event! If you are participting virtually, we will reach out to winners to coordinate pickup.